Thursday, July 28, 2011

Flowers Following the Fire

God causes all things to work together for good to those who love GOD…(Romans 8:28)

When fire swept through Laguna Canyon, a botanical garden containing more than 2,000 varieties of plants and flowers was destroyed. The fire blackened the hillside. Disaster? Yes! That’s what people called it, and that it was. Yet, just five months later the hills were alive with the beauty of wild flowers that had not been seen in the area for nearly one hundred years.

At times what we consider to be a disaster is simply the hand of GOD rearranging and directing our lives. The difference between a Christian and the man who considers life to be a disorganized and disconnected move of fate, is that the Christian believes God’s purpose and design is behind every event. He looks for the flowers after the fire.

If your life has been damaged by fire, let GOD speak peace to your heart, and begin to look for the flowers that can transform the blackened landscape. Allow the seeds that are only lying dormant to take full bloom.

Another wonderful message I want to share to everyone from the book of Harold J. Sala---At some point of our life we thought that everything was falling against to our plans, we always forgot that GOD ways are not our ways; HE knows what’s the best for us. Sometimes HE gets something for us maybe because HE knows that it’s good for us or HE wants to give you something much better.

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